Safeguarding Policy (including Prevent)

Policy Statement

The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all community members, recognising that a secure environment is essential for effective learning and personal development. Our Safeguarding Policy, including Prevent duties, outlines our proactive approach to preventing harm, abuse, and extremism. This policy ensures all students, staff, and visitors are protected through prevention, intervention, and responsive measures.


  • Protection: Providing a secure environment to protect community members from harm and abuse.
  • Awareness: Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and the signs of abuse or radicalisation.
  • Prevention: Implementing strategies to prevent the risk of harm, abuse, or radicalisation.
  • Responsibility: Affirming everyone's duty to report safeguarding concerns promptly.
  • Training: Ensuring adequate safeguarding training for all staff members.
  • Support: Offering support and guidance for individuals affected by safeguarding issues.
  • Response: Responding to safeguarding concerns swiftly and appropriately.
  • Collaboration: Working with external agencies to address safeguarding issues effectively.
  • Resilience: Fostering resilience to radicalisation through education and open dialogue.
  • Transparency: Maintaining clear and transparent procedures for handling safeguarding concerns.
  • Confidentiality: Respecting confidentiality while prioritising safety and legal obligations.
  • Review: Regularly reviewing safeguarding policies and practices to ensure they remain effective.

Regulatory Context

This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following:

Authority Name Url
UK Home Office Prevent Duty Compliance
A duty that requires universities and colleges in the UK to take steps to prevent terrorism.
Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory Notices and Advice
Regulatory notices are additional information about OfS' regulatory requirements and are part of the regulatory framework. Regulatory advice helps providers understand and meet OfS requirements.
UK Government Equality Act 2010
Equalities law to prohibit harassment and victimisation, and eliminate discrimination, including in the area of further and higher education, particularly with regards to specified personal characteristics.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) The Quality Code
This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Advice - Enabling Student Achievement
Universities UK Guidance on online harassment
A comprehensive guidance on tackling online harassment and promoting online welfare in the higher education sector.

Compliance with the Prevent Duty and Implementation Steps

Compliance with Prevent Duty and Safeguarding

The School complies with the Prevent Duty as set out in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. The President, as the Prevent Lead, collaborates with external agencies to address risks related to radicalisation and extremism. The Board of Governors includes Prevent considerations in its risk management strategies, including regular evaluations of potential threats and oversight of on-site events. Relevant aspects are also covered by the Free Speech and Academic Freedom Policy, which balances academic freedom with the need to prevent extremism.

The IT policy supports compliance with legal and audit requirements, including PCI-DSS and Prevent Duty, through robust monitoring systems, data protection measures, and audit trails to ensure secure handling of information. All staff receive comprehensive induction and training on Prevent and safeguarding, including recognising signs of radicalisation, responding to concerns, and following reporting procedures.

This integrated approach ensures thorough adherence to the Prevent Duty, enhancing the School's capability to prevent radicalisation and maintain a safe environment. By embedding Prevent considerations into governance, risk management, and policies, and providing extensive staff training, the School effectively manages risks, complies with legal obligations, and supports both safety and academic freedom.

Key Steps for Compliance with the Prevent Duty

The Executive Committee will undertake these steps annually before the Board of Governors’ review and report on the outcomes:

  1. Review Prevent Policies: Annually update Prevent policies to align with current legal standards and best practices.
  2. Conduct Risk Assessments: Perform annual assessments to identify and address risks related to radicalisation on campus.
  3. Train Staff and Students: Ensure all staff and students receive annual training on Prevent Duty and safeguarding.
  4. Monitor IT Systems: Regularly review IT systems to ensure compliance with Prevent regulations and legal requirements, including PCI-DSS.
  5. Engage with External Agencies: Maintain ongoing communication with local Prevent coordinators and relevant external bodies.
  6. Evaluate Prevent Activities: Review and assess the effectiveness of Prevent measures and document findings.

The Executive Committee's annual review and reporting on these steps ensure that the institution’s Prevent measures are up-to-date, effectively implemented, and responsive to emerging risks. This proactive approach helps maintain a secure learning environment and meets legal requirements, thereby upholding the institution's commitment to safeguarding and preventing radicalisation.

Support Services Provided by the Student Wellbeing Team

Comprehensive Student Support and Wellbeing

The Student Wellbeing Team provides free, independent, and confidential support for academic, financial, and personal well-being issues. Students can seek assistance from the Team, their Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), or any staff member at any time. The School’s strategy places students at the centre, linking educational and life experiences to enhance overall success and satisfaction. This approach integrates academic and personal support to offer a holistic student experience, ensuring comprehensive care and addressing all aspects of student life effectively.

Providing comprehensive support through the Student Wellbeing Team ensures that students have access to necessary resources for their academic and personal needs. By integrating support services and prioritising student well-being, the School optimises the educational experience and addresses all aspects of student life, fostering overall success and satisfaction.

Maintaining Professional Conduct

Dignity at Work and Anti-Harassment Policy

The School’s Dignity at Work, Bullying, and Harassment Policy ensures a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all members of our community. Harassment, abuse, sexual misconduct, and discrimination are strictly prohibited. All students and staff must adhere to the School’s Disciplinary Policies, with disciplinary action enforced for breaches, whether they occur on or off School premises, in person, or via digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams, social media, emails, or text messages.

This policy promotes a zero-tolerance approach to behaviour that undermines dignity and respect, reinforcing our commitment to a safe and supportive environment. It ensures that all incidents of bullying, harassment, or victimisation are addressed consistently, regardless of where or how they occur.

Policy on Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support Policy

The School has a dedicated Mental Health Policy detailing various methods for supporting students with their mental health needs. 

This policy ensures that students receive comprehensive mental health support, fostering a healthier and more supportive learning environment. By outlining specific support mechanisms, the policy addresses students' mental well-being proactively and effectively.

Role of Personal Academic Tutors (PAT)

Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) Assignment

The School assigns each student a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) to offer both academic guidance and broader support throughout their studies.

This ensures that students receive personalised assistance and mentorship, fostering their academic development and overall well-being. It also helps in identifying and addressing any issues early, contributing to a supportive learning environment.

Mandatory DBS Checks

Pre-Recruitment DBS Checks

All staff members must complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check prior to recruitment.

This ensures that staff are vetted for any criminal convictions or safeguarding issues, thereby protecting students and maintaining a safe educational environment.

Safeguarding and Reporting Practices

Reporting Responsibilities and Student Input

All staff and bodies must report safeguarding and Prevent concerns. This reporting informs the School’s safeguarding strategy, allowing teams like the Student Wellbeing Team to address issues, make informed decisions, and allocate resources effectively. Additionally, the School’s regulations and policies ensure that students can contribute to decision-making processes.

This rule ensures that safeguarding and Prevent matters are addressed through structured reporting, which supports effective strategy and resource management. It also fosters an inclusive environment where student input is valued in institutional decision-making, promoting a comprehensive approach to safety and well-being.

Safeguarding, Children, and Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Measures for At-Risk Students

The School implements various measures to protect students at risk, including those who are children or vulnerable adults. These measures address risks such as abuse and exploitation, ensuring these students receive the additional protection they need.

This approach is crucial for safeguarding students who may be unable to protect themselves from harm. By having specific protections in place, the School upholds its duty of care and ensures a safe environment for all students.

Regulations on Staff-Student Interactions

Staff and Student Relationship Policy

The Staff and Student Relationship Policy prohibits specific relationships between staff and students to prevent conflicts of interest and safeguarding issues. All other relationships must be disclosed to ensure transparency and uphold professional boundaries.

This policy is crucial for maintaining a professional and safe educational environment. It helps prevent conflicts of interest, exploitation, and safeguarding risks, ensuring that all relationships within the School are conducted with integrity and transparency.

Comprehensive Induction and Training for Staff

Staff Induction and Training on Safeguarding

All staff must complete an induction on the School’s policies and receive ongoing training. This training covers the identification of safeguarding issues and how to provide appropriate support.

This requirement is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of the School community. Regular training equips staff with the knowledge and skills needed to address safeguarding concerns effectively, thereby enhancing the overall safety and support within the institution.

Metrics and KPIs

The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations.

Compliance with Prevent Duty
Monitor adherence to Prevent Duty requirements through audits. Achieve at least 100% compliance in annual audits.
Compliance with Prevent Duty is essential for preventing radicalisation and ensuring a safe environment.
DBS Check Completion Rate
Monitor the percentage of new staff who complete their DBS checks before starting work. Aim for 100% compliance within one month of recruitment.
Ensuring all staff undergo DBS checks is crucial for maintaining a safe environment and protecting vulnerable individuals.
Incident Reporting Rate
Track the number of safeguarding incidents reported each month compared to the total number of students and staff.
High reporting rates indicate that the safeguarding systems are accessible and effective. This helps in early identification and intervention.
Staff Training Completion Rate
Measure the percentage of staff who complete mandatory safeguarding and Prevent training within the required timeframe. Target 100% completion annually.
Regular training ensures staff are well-informed about safeguarding and Prevent duties, improving their ability to respond effectively.
Timeliness of Response to Safeguarding Concerns
Track the average time taken to respond to safeguarding concerns from reporting to initial action. Set a target response time of 24 hours.
Prompt responses are critical in safeguarding to ensure timely interventions and support.
Policy: Safeguarding Policy (including Prevent)