Policies > Codes of Conduct >

Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Code of Conduct

Policy Statement

The School is committed to promoting the health, safety, and well-being of its entire community by upholding a strict code of conduct concerning drug and alcohol misuse. Recognising the impact substance misuse can have on academic performance, individual potential, and the wider community, the 'Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Code of Conduct' outlines the School's approach to prevention, education, and intervention. This policy applies to all students, staff, and visitors to the School’s premises, ensuring a secure and productive environment conducive to learning and personal development.

Guiding Principles

  • Health: Prioritising the physical and mental health of the School community in relation to drugs and alcohol.
  • Safety: Ensuring a safe learning and working environment for all.
  • Education: Providing education and resources on the risks associated with drug and alcohol misuse.
  • Support: Offering support and signposting to services for those affected by substance misuse.
  • Responsibility: Encouraging personal responsibility concerning substance use and its consequences.
  • Respect: Maintaining respect for the laws and regulations regarding drugs and alcohol.
  • Prevention: Focusing on the prevention of drug and alcohol misuse within the School.
  • Discipline: Enforcing disciplinary measures for violations of the code of conduct.
  • Welfare: Recognising and responding to substance misuse as a welfare concern.
  • Zero Tolerance: Implementing a zero-tolerance policy on the illegal use or distribution of drugs.
  • Confidentiality: Respecting confidentiality in the management of drug and alcohol-related issues.
  • Collaboration: Working with external organisations to enhance the effectiveness of our drug and alcohol policy.

Regulatory Context

This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following:

Authority Name Comments Url
Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory framework for higher education in England
This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Managing risks in the higher education sector
Guidance for higher education providers on their obligations under health and safety law.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) The Quality Code
This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality.

Site Utilisation and Safety Protocols

Responsible Title Actions
All staff and students Rule
Access and Use of the South London Site

Students may use the South London site, which includes:

  • Classrooms for teaching and assessments
  • Meeting rooms for staff and student interactions
  • Social spaces and amenities for peer engagement
  • Catering facilities
  • A stage area for events

The Director of Operations oversees the site, while key staff, including the Director of Education, are based there and available for contact. Students can access the site using their ID cards.

Safety and wellbeing are priorities. The School community must adhere to their contracts, regulations, and policies, including the Student Charter, to ensure a safe environment for everyone, both on and off-site. The Student Wellbeing Team is available to support all students.

This rule ensures students are informed about the facilities and access procedures at the South London site. It clarifies oversight and available support while emphasising the importance of safety and compliance with School policies. This fosters a safe and supportive environment for all members of the School community.

Alcohol Consumption and Misuse Guidelines

Responsible Title Actions
All staff and students Rule
Alcohol Consumption and Responsibility

Alcohol may be permitted at School events, provided it complies with the Licensing Act 2003 and other relevant laws and regulations. All individuals, including staff and students, who consume alcohol on or off the premises must act lawfully and responsibly, ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of themselves and others. The School will take appropriate action against anyone who violates the law, risks breaching regulations, or endangers others on the premises.

This rule ensures compliance with legal requirements and promotes a safe and responsible environment. It helps maintain the School's commitment to safety and legal adherence by clearly outlining the expectations and consequences for alcohol consumption.

All staff and students Rule
Alcohol Consumption and Risk Management

If alcohol consumption outside the School premises leads to risks such as harassment or bullying affecting the School community or third parties, the School may take action.

This rule ensures that the School maintains a safe environment for everyone, even when alcohol is consumed off-site. It underscores the School's commitment to addressing behaviours that could harm the community or breach its standards.

All staff and students Rule
Misconduct and Legal Notification

Misconduct may result in disciplinary action and the involvement of law enforcement agencies.

This rule ensures that serious breaches of conduct are addressed appropriately and reported to relevant authorities, maintaining the School's standards and legal compliance.

Controlled Substances

Responsible Title Actions
All staff and students Rule
Controlled Drugs Misuse

The misuse of controlled drugs, as prohibited by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and related legislation, will result in disciplinary action and notification of law enforcement agencies. The School will enforce legal requirements in all cases.

This rule ensures that any misuse of controlled substances is addressed in accordance with the law, upholding the School's commitment to compliance and safety.

Responsible Title Actions
Executive Committee Rule
Premises Inspection and Law Enforcement Contact

The School reserves the right to inspect its premises and contact law enforcement if necessary.

This ensures that the School can address any issues effectively and seek external assistance when required, maintaining safety and compliance.


The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations.

Title Comments
Compliance with Legal Standards
Conduct annual audits to ensure 100% compliance with legal standards related to drug and alcohol misuse.
Regular audits ensure that the School adheres to legal requirements and mitigates risk of non-compliance.
Incident Report Submission Rate
Ensure 100% of reported drug and alcohol-related incidents are documented and submitted within 48 hours of occurrence.
Timely reporting is crucial for effective intervention and monitoring, ensuring prompt action and accurate records.
Incident Resolution Time
Resolve 90% of drug and alcohol misuse incidents within 30 days of reporting.
Prompt resolution ensures issues are addressed quickly, minimising the impact on the community.
Core > Policy