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Accuracy of Information Policy (AOIP)

Policy Statement

The School is committed to ensuring that all publicised information is accurate and reflects the content of programme and module specifications. By maintaining rigorous processes for updating and verifying information, we uphold our consumer protection duties, ensuring students receive what they are promised. Our commitment includes clear communication and strict compliance with regulatory standards.

Guiding Principles

  • Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of accuracy in the information provided by the School.
  • Transparency: Ensuring transparency in all information disseminated, fostering trust and confidence.
  • Responsibility: Assigning clear ownership for the accuracy of information within the School.
  • Timeliness: Providing current information in a timely manner to all relevant parties.
  • Verification: Implementing processes for regular verification and validation of information.
  • Accessibility: Making accurate information easily accessible to those who need it.
  • Consistency: Maintaining consistency in the presentation of information across all platforms and materials.
  • Accountability: Holding individuals and departments accountable for the accuracy of the information they provide.
  • Precision: Striving for precision and clarity in all forms of communication.
  • Confidentiality: Protecting sensitive information while ensuring its accuracy.
  • Ethics: Adhering to ethical standards in the representation and reporting of data and information.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluating and updating policies and procedures to enhance the accuracy of information management.

Regulatory Context

This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following:

Authority Name Comments Url
UK Government Consumer Rights Act 2015
A UK law that consolidates consumer rights, covering contracts for goods, services, digital content, and providing remedies for faulty goods and services.
Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory framework for higher education in England
This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Advice - Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Higher education: guide to consumer rights for students
This guide outlines students' consumer rights and explains what higher education providers must do to meet their obligations under consumer protection law.
Advance HE Code of Governance for Universities
A code of governance that sets out the principles and standards that universities in the UK should follow.

Importance of Information Accuracy

Responsible Title Actions
Marketing Team Rule
Accuracy of Information Compliance

All information provided by the School, including marketing materials and pre-contract details, must be accurate as per the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidelines and Office for Students (OfS) requirements. This applies to both academic and non-academic information such as admissions, registration, and visas.

Accurate information is crucial as applications and offers are based on it. Compliance with consumer protection laws ensures that the School meets regulatory standards and maintains transparency. Responsibility for updating information lies with the Marketing Team, overseen by the Director of Marketing. The School’s website integrates with the Academic Governance System (AGS) to ensure that programme and module details are automatically updated. Errors in this process will be addressed by the Marketing and AGS teams, with protocols in place to maintain accuracy.

Marketing Team Rule
Effective Dissemination of Information

The Marketing Team must ensure that all information about the School is effectively disseminated and easily accessible through the website and other channels.

Clear and accessible information enables applicants and others to make informed decisions about the School and its services.

Definition and Protocol for Academic Information

Responsible Title Actions
Definition of Academic Information

'Academic information' refers to details about learning, teaching, and standards in programme and module specifications, including awards, entry criteria, levels, credits, assessments, and fees. This information may be updated due to major changes in programmes or modules as per academic regulations.

This definition ensures clarity on what constitutes academic information and highlights that such details may change with significant updates, maintaining transparency and accuracy.

Marketing Team Rule
Protocol for Updating and Disseminating Information

The Marketing Team will establish a protocol with programme and module teams to ensure:

  • Academic information on the AGS, website, and other platforms is current;
  • Academic information is regularly reviewed;
  • Any updates to programmes and modules are promptly reported to the Marketing Team, which will then notify all Directors and students;
  • Academic information is accurate and widely disseminated and accessible.

This protocol guarantees that all information remains accurate and up-to-date, ensuring effective communication and accessibility for students and staff.

Definition and Protocol for Non-Academic Information

Responsible Title Actions
Definition of Non-Academic Information Definition

'Non-academic information' includes details about the School's operations not covered in programme and module specifications, such as regulations, policies, and procedures. All changes to regulations must be approved by the Board of Governors, while changes to policies require approval from the Executive Committee in consultation with other relevant bodies.

This ensures that updates to non-academic information are systematically reviewed and authorised, upholding consistent oversight and maintaining the integrity of the School's operations.

Marketing Team Rule
Protocol for Managing and Disseminating Information

As the Academic Regulations and Policies Policy envisages, the Marketing Team will establish a protocol with the Board of Governors, Executive Committee, and other relevant bodies to ensure that:

  • Information published via the AGS and on the website about regulations, policies, and procedures is up to date, including appropriate metadata and version numbers.
  • Information is checked regularly.
  • Changes are promptly communicated to the Marketing Team for implementation, and notifications of changes are sent to all Directors of the School and students.
  • Information is accurate and widely disseminated and accessible.

The Marketing Team will collaborate with other teams, such as Admissions, to ensure the accuracy of information used in pre-admissions and contracts.

This protocol guarantees that all published information remains current, accurate, and accessible, facilitating effective communication and compliance across the School. It ensures that all stakeholders are informed of changes and that information used in various processes is consistently accurate.

Oversight Mechanisms

Responsible Title Actions
Marketing Team Rule
Oversight and Reporting on Information Accuracy

The Director of Marketing is responsible for verifying the accuracy of all marketing information, including content from the School (e.g., website, brochures, emails, advertising), School agents, partners, affiliates, and external sources (e.g., websites, blogs, listings, print).

The Director of Marketing will also oversee regular checks of this information, manage related training and development, and report on consumer protection and accuracy to the Executive Board.

This ensures that all marketing materials are accurate and reliable, protecting the School’s reputation and providing consumers with truthful, up-to-date information.


The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations.

Title Comments
Error Detection Rate
Track and aim to reduce the rate of detected errors in published materials (e.g., brochures, website) to less than 2% per quarter.
Minimising errors in published materials ensures that students receive accurate information and reflects the School’s commitment to high standards.
Error Rectification Time
Resolve any identified inaccuracies in published information within 3 working days of detection.
Prompt correction of errors prevents the spread of misinformation and maintains the School’s credibility.
Publicised Information Accuracy Rate
Achieve an accuracy rate of at least 98% for all publicised information, based on periodic reviews.
A high accuracy rate ensures that the majority of published information is correct, supporting the School’s commitment to transparency and consumer protection.
Version Control Accuracy
Ensure that all published information includes accurate metadata and version numbers, with 100% compliance in documentation updates.
Accurate version control helps track changes and ensures that the most current information is available to students and stakeholders.
Website Accuracy Audit Frequency
Conduct a full audit of the School’s website for accuracy every three months to ensure all information matches programme and module specifications.
Regular audits ensure that all online information remains current and correct, aligning with programme details and preventing misinformation.
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