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Consumer Protection Policy

Policy Statement

The School is committed to upholding consumer protection standards by ensuring accuracy in publicised information and providing clear, fair terms and conditions. Adhering to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, we guarantee value for money through sector-leading employability outcomes and transparent policies, including a student protection plan and guidance on the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.

Guiding Principles

  • Transparency: Providing clear, accurate information regarding courses, fees, and services.
  • Fairness: Ensuring all students are treated fairly and without bias throughout their interactions with the School.
  • Accountability: Holding the School accountable for the commitments made to students as consumers.
  • Informed Choice: Helping students make informed decisions about their education with comprehensive information.
  • Quality: Delivering educational services that meet the promised standards and outcomes.
  • Responsiveness: Addressing students' inquiries and concerns promptly and effectively.
  • Rights: Respecting and protecting the rights of students as consumers under applicable laws.
  • Ethics: Conducting all consumer relations ethically and with professional integrity.
  • Value: Striving to ensure that students receive value for money in their educational investment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly reviewing policies and practices to improve the consumer experience for students.
  • Clarity: Presenting all terms and conditions associated with our services in language that is easily understood.
  • Redress: Providing effective mechanisms for complaint resolution and redress where necessary.

Regulatory Context

This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following:

Authority Name Comments Url
UK Government Consumer Rights Act 2015
A UK law that consolidates consumer rights, covering contracts for goods, services, digital content, and providing remedies for faulty goods and services.
Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory framework for higher education in England
This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money.
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Advice - Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Higher education: consumer law advice for providers
Advice to help higher education providers understand their responsibilities under consumer protection law, especially regarding undergraduate students.
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Higher education: guide to consumer rights for students
This guide outlines students' consumer rights and explains what higher education providers must do to meet their obligations under consumer protection law.
Universities UK Compensation and refund policies – developing good practice
A briefing to aid consistency in how universities approach refund and compensation policies for students, offering principles for good practice.

Providing Clear and Accessible Information

Responsible Title Actions
Marketing Team Rule
Transparency and Accessibility of Information

The School ensures that all material academic information related to learning and teaching, as well as non-academic information like regulations and policies, is available on its website. The Marketing Team uses various channels, including prospectuses, websites, social media, and open days, to disseminate this information. Contact points for further assistance are provided. The Director of Marketing verifies that the information is clear, written in plain language, and unambiguous, and that accessibility and other requirements are met.

This rule ensures that applicants and others have access to accurate and comprehensive information, enabling informed decision-making. It promotes transparency and helps the School meet accessibility standards, while diverse marketing channels and clear communication enhance the effectiveness of information dissemination.

Information Accuracy and Integrity

Responsible Title Actions
Marketing Team Rule
Accuracy of Information Policy (AOIP)

Under the Accuracy of Information Policy (AOIP), the Marketing Team ensures accurate publishing. Our website is integrated with the Academic Governance System (AGS), ensuring that information on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and modules, as well as other information, can be easily updated.

The Accuracy of Information Policy (AOIP) supports this by requiring:

  • Up-to-date information with proper metadata and version numbers
  • Regular checks of published content
  • Prompt notification of changes under protocols to the Marketing Teams
  • Widespread and accessible dissemination of information

The Marketing Team reports to the Director of Marketing , who ensures all requirements are met.

Pre-Contractual Information and Agreement Terms

Responsible Title Actions
Admissions Team Rule
Offer Letter and Pre-Contract Information

The School includes comprehensive pre-contract information in offer letters to undergraduate and postgraduate students. This information covers:

  • Programme name and details
  • Core and optional modules
  • Award upon successful completion
  • Programme duration
  • Tuition fees and additional charges
  • Steps and deadlines for accepting the offer

Acceptance of the offer formalises the contract between the School and the student.

Providing detailed pre-contract information ensures that applicants understand the programme specifics, financial commitments, and acceptance procedures, forming a clear basis for the contract.

Admissions Team Rule
Offer Letter and Contract Information

The offer letter includes:

  • A link to the contract, reviewed regularly by the Executive Committee
  • A contract summary on the website for pre-acceptance review

Contract terms are clear and fair, including cancellation information. Home students who accept an offer away from School premises have a 14-day cancellation period from formal acceptance. This period applies even if the student has enrolled and started their programme, with a full refund available.

Upon acceptance, students receive an individual copy of the contract and summary, identical to what was available before acceptance.

Providing accessible and transparent contract information and clear cancellation terms ensures that applicants understand their rights and obligations, supporting informed decisions and protecting consumer rights.

Director of Education Rule
Training and Compliance for Admissions Team

The Admissions Team receives training on handling complaints, using current and accurate information, and promptly notifying applicants and students of any changes. They report to the Director of Education, who oversees compliance with consumer protection requirements.

Training ensures that the Admissions Team manages complaints effectively and uses accurate information, while timely notifications and oversight by the Director of Education ensure compliance with consumer protection standards.

Access to Regulations and Policies

Responsible Title Actions
Executive Committee Rule
Ensuring Access to Regulations for Consumer Protection

All regulations and policies at the School are designed to ensure students receive a high-quality academic experience and value for money, as outlined in their contract. Students can review all regulations, including the Complaints and Appeals Policy, on the website before accepting an offer. Changes to regulations require approval from the Board of Governors, while the Executive Board, in consultation with relevant bodies such as the Academic Board, is responsible for policies.

This ensures transparency and adherence to high standards in academic and policy matters, with a clear process for approval and updates involving key governance bodies.

Student Protection Plan

Responsible Title Actions
Executive Committee Rule
Plan with the OfS

The School has a student protection plan, submitted to the Office of Students (OfS), which safeguards students' ability to complete their education in case of severe disruptions, such as the cessation of operations or loss of degree awarding powers. The Board of Governors and Executive Committee oversee the plan, supported by tools like the risk register, audit function, and reporting mechanisms.

This ensures students are protected from significant disruptions and reassures them that measures are in place to maintain their education, while robust oversight and monitoring mechanisms are used to manage and mitigate potential risks effectively.

Enquiries on Consumer Protection

Responsible Title Actions
Consumer Protection Inquiries and Response

Applicants, students, and others can contact the Executive Committee or any Director for consumer protection inquiries. Directors will either address the questions or forward them to the relevant body. The School aims to provide an initial response within 10 working days. The Complaints and Appeals Policy is also available for use.

This ensures that all consumer protection queries are promptly addressed, either directly or through the appropriate channels, and that the response time is clearly defined, maintaining transparency and efficiency in handling concerns.

Procedure for Addressing Complaints

Responsible Title Actions
Student Wellbeing Team Rule
Effective Resolution of Complaints

The School acknowledges that issues may arise and has established policies to address them fairly. The Student Complaints and Academic Appeals Policy, available on the School’s website, ensures that the complaints process is transparent, accessible, clear, and fair. The Student Wellbeing Team manages complaints, with the Director of Operations overseeing the process under the Directorial Accountability model (Please see Governance Statement).

This ensures that any issues students or applicants encounter are handled fairly and transparently, with a clear process for resolution and oversight by a responsible director of the Executive Committee. 

Continuous Evaluation and Enhancement

Responsible Title Actions
Executive Committee Rule
Ongoing Compliance with Consumer Protection

The Executive Committee will regularly review updates to consumer protection requirements. Relevant Directors will plan and implement necessary changes, which will be reported to the Board of Governors. The Marketing Team will communicate these updates to staff, students, and partners through the AGS, internal emails, and the website, using a versioning system for clarity.

This approach ensures the School remains compliant with evolving consumer protection regulations and that all stakeholders are promptly informed of any changes.


The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations.

Title Comments
Frequency of Policy Reviews
Conduct a comprehensive review of consumer protection-related policies, including terms and conditions, at least once every 12 months.
Regular policy reviews ensure that the institution remains up-to-date with legal requirements and industry best practices, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
Response Time to Information Requests
Respond to 95% of prospective student inquiries regarding program details, fees, and policies within 3 working days.
Timely responses to information requests demonstrate the institution's commitment to transparency and customer service, reducing the risk of misinformation.
Student Feedback on Consumer Rights
Achieve an 80% positive response rate in annual student surveys on their understanding and confidence in exercising consumer rights.
Positive feedback indicates that students feel informed and empowered, which is crucial for upholding consumer protection standards.
Timeliness of Information Updates
Update all digital and printed materials within 48 hours of any policy or program change, maintaining an update rate of 100%.
Quick updates prevent the spread of outdated or misleading information, protecting consumers from false expectations.
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